10 January 2020

MESAP will attend the ECS Brokerage Event 2020

MESAP will take part in the ECS Brokerage Event 2020 on 14-15 January in Brussels. The event combines the brokerage activities of the industry associations AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA and EPoSS in a single networking event dedicated to project proposals in the field of Electronic Components and Systems.
This event facilitates ECS communities in defining new collaborations and is directly linked with the ECS Collaboration Tool, an online tool that allows to search and invite partners for the definition of new project consortia.

You can find more information and the program on the event website.

MESAP will also be present as partner of the 5E project and will have a dedicated space in the poster session of the event.

At the ECS Brokerage Event 2020 in Brussels, MESAP will also participate in the Executive Committee of EPoSS, the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration. MESAP has been reconfirmed as Organising Body of the SSI Trademark, of which EPoSS is the owner.
The year 2020 opens with the definition of the new Technical Board that will carry out the evaluations for the granting of the Trademark.

The SSI Trademark represents a concrete tool through which become part of the Smart Systems community.
To find out more