Mesap Goes to Europe: the monthly in-depth look at MESAP European activities
MIND4MACHINES: Second Call coming soon
The second Open Call of Mind4Machines is coming soon, a European initiative that promotes cross-sectoral and cross-border collaborations between SMEs to improve manufacturing companies’ production processes through digital technologies. Funding available of EUR 1.6 million for the development, testing and validation of innovative projects between SME tech providers (ICT solutions) and manufacturing SMEs (end users), for the optimisation of processes and resources in line with the climate-neutral principles of the European Green Deal.
The project also provides the open innovation platform for exchanging ideas, exchanging views and expressing willingness/need for partnerships.
GREENSME: Supporting SMEs in their sustainability process
GreenSME aims to strengthen the capacity of manufacturing SMEs through the adoption of digital technologies, respecting the environment and social sustainability. The manufacturing industry remains one of the main drivers of the European economy and therefore MESAP considers it crucial to be part of initiatives that can drive SMEs towards both environmental and social sustainability through technology and KETs.
2 Open Calls are planned, the first in June 2023, for manufacturing SMEs and advanced technology (AT)/social innovation providers. Funding of up to EUR 40,000 per project foreseen.
Call from Europe: Special European Calls selected for you
MESAP selects and updates European Calls and Open Calls for Innovative Solutions and Reference Technologies on its website. This update includes a special focus on the following funding:
- IntellIOT CALL: IoT solutions for industry, construction, energy DEADLINE: 9 January 2023
- ASSIST-IoT: Testing of scalable IoT solutions DEADLINE: 15 January 2023
- NEW SKIN: Nanotechnologies and surface treatments DEADLINE: 31 January 2023
La Settimana Horizon Europe 2023: Info day nazionali organizzati da APRE
WHEN: 23-27 January, online
APRE, in agreement with the MUR, is organising the national Info days on the Horizon Europe 2023 calls. From 23 to 27 January, a week with thematic sessions dedicated to the Italian Research and Innovation community, to enter operationally into the 2023 calls and analyse the necessary tools and aspects in order to create quality proposals. Participation is free and open to all players – public and private – subject to registration.
PIVOT2: Achievements of the European Railway Initiative

The PIVOT2 project – Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2, developed under the Shift2Rail Programme (Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking), is coming to an end. The project aimed to create lighter, more energy-efficient passenger trains that are more comfortable for passengers and have less impact on the track, in order to reduce the life-cycle cost of the entire railway system.
Our member Wabtec Corporation is one of the key players in this initiative and, in collaboration with Euskotrenbideak-Ferrocarriles Vascos S.A., has developed and installed innovative technologies in north-western Spain, including the Metroflexx braking system, which increases the performance, safety and reliability of brakes; adhesion and smoothing technologies that ensure predictable and consistent stopping distances; and passenger comfort and safety technologies.
ECS Brokerage Event 2023: Networking event for your project idea

WHEN: 7-8 February, Brussels
The ECS Brokerage Event combines the brokerage activities of the industry associations AENEAS, EPoSS and Inside into a single networking event dedicated to project proposals in the field of electronic components and systems (ECS). The ECS is part of the activities of the Electronics Components and Systems for European Leadership (ECSEL) programme, dedicated to the EU’s industrial strategy in the field of electronics. The event is an opportunity to gather project ideas and is closely linked to the ECS Collaboration Tool, the online tool that enables projects and collaborations with new partners.
Participation is free of charge for members of industry associations and Public Authorities.
Minalogic Business Meetings 2023: International Event for Digital Technologies

WHEN: 30 March, Lyon and online, hybrid event
Minalogic Business Meetings is the flagship event of Minalogic, the digital technology cluster of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of France, which aims to bring together suppliers of digital technologies and services with integrators of these technologies: micro/nano/electronics, optics/photonics, software, artificial intelligence, IoT and cybersecurity. Over the course of one day, it will be possible to hold up to 16 B2B meetings, attend conferences with international speakers, make new contacts and gain new opportunities for collaboration. The 2022 edition recorded +450 participants, +1000 B2B meetings, 15 countries represented, 17 partners, 14 conferences. We highlight the possibility to register with SUPER EARLY BIRD rate until 9 January.